Because of the popularity of Viagra, the number of research on the topic of erectile dysfunction has increased. It can be said that Viagra opened the doors for the acceptance of the condition in society. However, even before Viagra was developed and released by Pfizer, there are already products that are said to cure erectile dysfunction. Besides the common penis pump and penile suppository, there are other treatment methods before Viagra. One of these treatments is the use of Zinc to help maintain the testosterone level in a male’s body. Another substance that is said to help cure erectile dysfunction is the herbal Ginseng, a popular ingredient in Asian countries like China and Japan. Although it does not work on the blood flow on the penis like the Viagra and other similar products, Ginseng enhances a person’s libido, consequently increasing a person’s performance in copulation. Other drugs that are used as a remedy for erectile dysfunction are Bremelanotide and Melanotan II, both of which increase a person’s libido. The more popular among these early cures is the herbal treatment. For years, many people have depended on herbal medicine to cure their erectile dysfunction. When Viagra became famous, some of these herbal products took the name “herbal Viagra” to create a distinction.
But among these cures, the hype on the Arginine is perhaps the most pronounced. Many testimonials and even studies say that L-Arganine has the same effect as Sildenafil (or Viagra) since it works by suppressing components in the body that stop the erection of the penis. Arganine is an amino acid that helps alleviate the infertility among men. It is said that Arganine also improves sperm mobility and production. This is because Arganine increases and helps blood circulation in the body, including the blood circulation in the penile muscle.
But can Arganine replace Viagra and other similar drugs? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Agranine is not a natural Viagra in terms of immediate effect. If one wants to have an erection, one still has to use a Viagra because Arganine does not specialize in making the blood flow in the penis easier. Arganine merely promotes good blood circulation. This is why while Arganine cannot replace Viagra, this amino amino acid can make erection easier for a user of Viagra.
What Arganine can do is help promote good sexual health. Arganine can be found in food products such as dairy products, poultry, and seafood, among others. Arganine is also said to promote the production of the growth hormone in the body as well as help in the treatment of the herpes simplex virus. Arganine can also help improve the function of the immune system, reduce the risk of heart diseases, increase muscle mass in the body, decrease blood pressure, and stimulate anti-aging chemicals in the body. More importantly, it helps in the development of the penile erection. While Arganine cannot be a replacement for Viagra, it is a great supplement that can make the effects of erectile dysfunction pills more effective and pronounced.